6 Types of Paediatric Palliative Care to Enhance the Quality of Life of Young Patients in Singapore


It’s a common misconception that palliative care and hospice care are one and the same. While they are related, the truth is that hospice care is a specific type of palliative care that focuses on end-of-life comfort for older patients. Meanwhile, palliative care itself is a comprehensive approach to improving the quality of life for individuals facing serious illnesses at any stage of their life and illness trajectory. It’s all about providing the patient and their family relief from the symptoms and stress of the illness, ensuring that the care they receive aligns with their values and goals. Additionally, palliative care also aims to support the patient emotionally, socially, and even spiritually.

In short, palliative care can be integrated alongside curative treatments and does not necessarily mean giving up hope for recovery.

What Is Paediatric Palliative Care and Who Can Receive It?

Paediatric palliative care specifically serves children facing a variety of serious illnesses. The World Health Organisation has four categories of the types of conditions that might require this level of care. One refers to life-threatening conditions with potential curative treatments, such as certain cancers or organ failures. Another pertains to conditions where premature death is inevitable, like severe congenital anomalies or genetic disorders. The next category comprises of progressive conditions without curative treatment, such as neurodegenerative diseases or advanced stages of HIV/AIDS. Finally, there’s a category of paediatric palliative care for irreversible but non-progressive conditions such as severe brain injuries or certain birth defects.

Regardless of the young patient’s diagnosis, the goal of paediatric palliative care remains the same: to provide holistic support to children and their families throughout the illness journey. This can be done in the following ways.

Primary Palliative Care

Primary palliative care refers to the foundational level of palliative care integrated into routine healthcare services. It is provided by facilities like a paediatric clinic or hospital and the healthcare professionals involved in the care of children with serious illnesses. This includes paediatricians, nurses, social workers, and other members of the healthcare team.

The goal of primary palliative care is to address the basic needs of children and their families, such as pain and symptom management and psychosocial support. It is often provided alongside curative treatments. This type of palliative care also aims to improve the quality of life for children by alleviating suffering and enhancing comfort. It involves discussions about specific goals and advance planning, which can help ensure that care is aligned with the child’s and family’s preferences and values.

Specialised Palliative Care

Specialised palliative care is provided by a multidisciplinary team of specialists with expertise in paediatric palliative care. This level of care is tailored to meet the medical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of children facing serious illnesses, as well as their families. It is often recommended for children with advanced or complex conditions that require specialised symptom management, emotional support, and coordination of care.

To develop a personalised care plan, healthcare professionals and establishments that offer specialised palliative care first carry out comprehensive assessments of the child’s and family’s needs. Among the services involved in specialised palliative care are pain and symptom management, counselling, spiritual care, and bereavement support. These can be provided in various settings such as hospitals, clinics, and homes.

Hospital-based Palliative Care

There are cases where palliative care is implemented within a hospital setting, such as in inpatient units, outpatient clinics, and consultation services. This falls within the category of hospital-based palliative care. The medical teams that offer this type of care work closely with other healthcare providers to ensure coordinated and comprehensive care for children and their families.

Hospital-based palliative care is often provided to children with serious illnesses who require intensive symptom management and 24-hour monitoring, complex medical interventions, or end-of-life care. Hospital-based palliative care may involve regular consultations with palliative care specialists, access to specialised treatments and interventions, and support for families navigating the hospital system.

Home-based Palliative Care

Home-based palliative care, on the other hand, allows children to receive services in the comfort of their own homes. This enables the patient to be surrounded by their families and loved ones. This level of care is recommended for children who prefer to be at home or whose medical needs can be safely managed outside a hospital setting.

Among the provisions of home-based palliative care are nursing visits, medical equipment and supplies, and support for caregivers. This setup allows families to maintain a sense of normalcy and continuity in their daily lives while receiving the support they need to care for the patient. Home-based palliative care also promotes greater autonomy and empowerment for families by allowing them to be actively involved in their child’s care and decision-making process.

Hospice Care

Paediatric hospice care is a type of palliative care provided to children with life-limiting illnesses who are no longer receiving curative treatment and have a prognosis of six months or less to live. It focuses on maximising comfort and quality of life in the final stages of the illness and life. It is often provided in the child’s home or in a hospice facility.

The services included in paediatric hospice care are pain and symptom management, emotional and spiritual support, as well as assistance with practical needs such as respite care and bereavement support for families. This type of care aims to ensure that children and their families receive compassionate and dignified end-of-life care that honours their wishes and values.

Perinatal Palliative Care

Perinatal palliative care provides support to families facing a prenatal or neonatal diagnosis of a life-limiting condition. This level of care is designed to help families make informed decisions about their child’s care and prepare them for the challenges ahead. Perinatal palliative care may involve discussions about treatment options, advance care planning, and support for coping with grief and loss. It aims to ensure that families receive compassionate and holistic care throughout the pregnancy, birth, and postnatal period, regardless of the outcome.

The Overlapping Nature of Palliative Care

Paediatric palliative care is not static; it can evolve over time based on the child’s condition and the preferences of the family. Children may transition between different levels of care as their needs change, starting with primary palliative care and potentially progressing to specialised or hospice care as the illness advances. The level of care a patient needs may also vary based on factors such as disease progression, symptom severity, and family dynamics. Paediatric palliative care teams work collaboratively with families to assess their needs, provide appropriate support and interventions, and adjust the care plan as necessary.

By offering holistic and individualised care, paediatric palliative care aims to improve the quality of life for children with serious health conditions. Through it, the patient and their families can access comfort, support, and dignity throughout the illness journey.

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Flower Chimp Cake Explosion Gift Box – a birthday surprise of a difference

Looking for a one of a kind never seen before birthday surprise , check out  Flower Chimp Cake Explosion Gift Box

Flower Chimp is your one stop destination for birthdays’ anniversary and all celebrations. 

In my years of preparing birthday cake and surprises for my kids, this is a first and my girl who just turn 13  was super surprised by it. Even the family who were watching this at the side was also SURPRISED! 

NOTE: Do ask the recipient to read the note on the cover of the box in order for the surprise to be executed well, don’t be too eager else the butterflies will not “fly” out as beautifully. 

Check out the IG reel to see my girl’s surprise. Don’t forget to video your recipient’s reaction when opening it. In fact, the box and the butterflies are reusable for another surprise ! 

What’s in the Box?

Each Explosion Box comes with a choice of Base Product variants:, four enchanting butterflies, and a customizable message card.

Choose from 3 enticing Base Product variants

Rainbow Cake


Chocolate Fudge


  • 4x Extra Butterfly
  • 8x Extra Butterfly
  • 4x Custom Pictures
  • Flower Shower
  • Sweets Explosion

Featured in this post  is the Rainbow Cake with an add-on of 4x Extra Butterflies and Ferrero Rocher in a dome with an add-on of 4x Extra Butterflies.

After the surprise has ended, you can savour the nice rainbow cake or my girl’s favourite – Ferrero Rocher , I got her both  coz I couldn’t decide which my girl likes more. 

Build your explosion surprise box now



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7 Travel Tips for Parents with Children Who Are Picky Eaters

When you’re packing bags and planning itineraries for your family vacation, the last thing you want to worry about is what your picky eater will have for dinner. Everyone knows the drill: finding something they’ll eat can be tricky even at home, so the idea of dealing with this matter while on a holiday might seem a bit daunting. But here’s the thing—travelling with a picky eater doesn’t have to be a recipe for mealtime meltdowns. Kids often take their cues from their parents and other adults they’re close to, so showing a bit of empathy and patience can go a long way.

Getting to the root of why some kids are more cautious about their food can be eye-opening. For many kids, it’s often much more complex than simply not liking greens; the child isn’t likely deliberately trying to be difficult, either. Maybe it’s the unfamiliar textures or the overwhelming smells that throw them off. There’s the social side of things, which might involve worrying about what friends might think or feeling pressure to eat something they’re not comfortable with. Whatever the underlying cause of your child’s picky eating behaviours, it’s your job as a parent to help them cultivate a healthy relationship with food both at home and on the go.

If you’re going on a vacation soon, let this feature be your guide to navigating food challenges while travelling with your picky eater. Try the following tips and you can make sure that everyone comes back from your next vacation with happy memories and full bellies:

Look Up Restaurants in Advance

One of the best ways to dodge a dining dilemma is to do a little homework before you hit the road. These days, most restaurants have their menus online, so you can scope out which spots have dishes your little one will like (or at least tolerate). If you’re headed to Singapore, for instance, you should have no problem looking up Changi Airport restaurants to try as soon as you land. It’s all about finding that sweet spot—a place that caters to your child’s preferences but also offers something a bit different to gently nudge their taste buds.

Pack Familiar Snacks

As a parent of a picky-eater, a well-packed snack bag is your best buddy. Whether you’re up in the air or on a road trip, having a stash of your kid’s go-to snacks can be a lifesaver. These familiar foods don’t just fill their tummies, but also serve as a little piece of home that your child can turn to for comfort. Plus, snacks can be a great way to bridge the gap between meals or introduce something new in a low-stress way. Look for opportunities to introduce a touch of adventure to what’s already familiar, like dipping carrot sticks into a new dip. Be patient, take baby steps, and before you know it, they might just surprise you (and themselves) by being a bit more adventurous with their food choices.

Take Your Time Introducing New Foods

Trying something new is easiest and most fun when you’re relaxed and in a good mood, and this is exactly how you want to approach new foods with your kids. Think of your trip as a chance to explore new tastes together, but keep it light and fun. Maybe there’s a local fruit or a pastry that looks interesting—why not give it a try as a family? Seeing you enjoy an unfamiliar dish can be the best kind of encouragement for picky eaters to try a bite too. But if your child isn’t ready to dive in, no worries. Sometimes, just getting them to take a tiny nibble or even lick something new is a win.

Involve Your Child in Decision-Making

Giving your little one a say in what, when, and how much they eat can cut the amount of travel stress you experience by a lot. When you’re planning meals or picking a place to eat, get their input. This could be as simple as having them pick between two options: “Would you like pasta or chicken tonight?” This approach doesn’t just apply to eating out or for big meals; it’s also handy when you’re picking out snacks or even exploring local markets. Having your child choose a new fruit or snack to try is a great way to empower them and make them feel involved in the adventure. Plus, they’re more likely to eat something they’ve chosen themselves, which can turn mealtimes into a positive experience for everyone.

Keep Up a Positive Attitude

It’s easy to get frustrated when your child refuses to eat a meal, especially after a long day of sightseeing. However, staying positive can really change the game. Instead of focusing on what they’re not eating, celebrate the foods they do try. Punishing your child in a situation that’s already stressful for them helps no one; conversely, a little praise can go a long way.

Try to Maintain a Routine

Usually, vacations are all about breaking from the routine. That said, keeping some semblance of normalcy around meal times can help your picky eater adjust. Try to strike a balance between the excitement of being in a new place and the comforting predictability of familiar meal and snack times. If breakfast is usually at 8 AM at home, for instance, try to stick close to that schedule. This can help your child feel more stable and reduce mealtime-related anxiety. In turn, this can make them more open to trying out new things.

Be Flexible

Here’s the thing about travelling with kids: sometimes, you’ve just got to roll with the punches. And when it comes to feeding a picky eater, flexibility is your best friend. Maybe you planned to introduce your child to a new food at dinner, but they’re just not having it. That’s okay. Switching gears and opting for something you know they’ll eat isn’t admitting defeat but choosing your battles wisely. You’ll only create more stress for yourself by being too rigid; besides, there will also be plenty of opportunities to try again.

Navigating the world of travel with a picky eater might seem daunting at first, but it’s also a beautiful opportunity to explore and grow together. Resist the urge to turn mealtimes into standoffs and instead focus on enjoying each other’s company. With a dash of patience, a sprinkle of creativity, and a generous helping of understanding, you can turn your meals into moments of joy and discovery that enrich your family’s travel adventure.

7 Travel Tips for Parents with Children Who Are Picky Eaters

When you’re packing bags and planning itineraries for your family vacation, the last thing you want to worry about is what your picky eater will have for dinner. Everyone knows the drill: finding something they’ll eat can be tricky even at home, so the idea of dealing with this matter while on a holiday might seem a bit daunting. But here’s the thing—travelling with a picky eater doesn’t have to be a recipe for mealtime meltdowns. Kids often take their cues from their parents and other adults they’re close to, so showing a bit of empathy and patience can go a long way.

Getting to the root of why some kids are more cautious about their food can be eye-opening. For many kids, it’s often much more complex than simply not liking greens; the child isn’t likely deliberately trying to be difficult, either. Maybe it’s the unfamiliar textures or the overwhelming smells that throw them off. There’s the social side of things, which might involve worrying about what friends might think or feeling pressure to eat something they’re not comfortable with. Whatever the underlying cause of your child’s picky eating behaviours, it’s your job as a parent to help them cultivate a healthy relationship with food both at home and on the go.

If you’re going on a vacation soon, let this feature be your guide to navigating food challenges while travelling with your picky eater. Try the following tips and you can make sure that everyone comes back from your next vacation with happy memories and full bellies:

Look Up Restaurants in Advance

One of the best ways to dodge a dining dilemma is to do a little homework before you hit the road. These days, most restaurants have their menus online, so you can scope out which spots have dishes your little one will like (or at least tolerate). If you’re headed to Singapore, for instance, you should have no problem looking up Changi Airport restaurants to try as soon as you land. It’s all about finding that sweet spot—a place that caters to your child’s preferences but also offers something a bit different to gently nudge their taste buds.

Pack Familiar Snacks

As a parent of a picky-eater, a well-packed snack bag is your best buddy. Whether you’re up in the air or on a road trip, having a stash of your kid’s go-to snacks can be a lifesaver. These familiar foods don’t just fill their tummies, but also serve as a little piece of home that your child can turn to for comfort. Plus, snacks can be a great way to bridge the gap between meals or introduce something new in a low-stress way. Look for opportunities to introduce a touch of adventure to what’s already familiar, like dipping carrot sticks into a new dip. Be patient, take baby steps, and before you know it, they might just surprise you (and themselves) by being a bit more adventurous with their food choices.

Take Your Time Introducing New Foods

Trying something new is easiest and most fun when you’re relaxed and in a good mood, and this is exactly how you want to approach new foods with your kids. Think of your trip as a chance to explore new tastes together, but keep it light and fun. Maybe there’s a local fruit or a pastry that looks interesting—why not give it a try as a family? Seeing you enjoy an unfamiliar dish can be the best kind of encouragement for picky eaters to try a bite too. But if your child isn’t ready to dive in, no worries. Sometimes, just getting them to take a tiny nibble or even lick something new is a win.

Involve Your Child in Decision-Making

Giving your little one a say in what, when, and how much they eat can cut the amount of travel stress you experience by a lot. When you’re planning meals or picking a place to eat, get their input. This could be as simple as having them pick between two options: “Would you like pasta or chicken tonight?” This approach doesn’t just apply to eating out or for big meals; it’s also handy when you’re picking out snacks or even exploring local markets. Having your child choose a new fruit or snack to try is a great way to empower them and make them feel involved in the adventure. Plus, they’re more likely to eat something they’ve chosen themselves, which can turn mealtimes into a positive experience for everyone.

Keep Up a Positive Attitude

It’s easy to get frustrated when your child refuses to eat a meal, especially after a long day of sightseeing. However, staying positive can really change the game. Instead of focusing on what they’re not eating, celebrate the foods they do try. Punishing your child in a situation that’s already stressful for them helps no one; conversely, a little praise can go a long way.

Try to Maintain a Routine

Usually, vacations are all about breaking from the routine. That said, keeping some semblance of normalcy around meal times can help your picky eater adjust. Try to strike a balance between the excitement of being in a new place and the comforting predictability of familiar meal and snack times. If breakfast is usually at 8 AM at home, for instance, try to stick close to that schedule. This can help your child feel more stable and reduce mealtime-related anxiety. In turn, this can make them more open to trying out new things.

Be Flexible

Here’s the thing about travelling with kids: sometimes, you’ve just got to roll with the punches. And when it comes to feeding a picky eater, flexibility is your best friend. Maybe you planned to introduce your child to a new food at dinner, but they’re just not having it. That’s okay. Switching gears and opting for something you know they’ll eat isn’t admitting defeat but choosing your battles wisely. You’ll only create more stress for yourself by being too rigid; besides, there will also be plenty of opportunities to try again.

Navigating the world of travel with a picky eater might seem daunting at first, but it’s also a beautiful opportunity to explore and grow together. Resist the urge to turn mealtimes into standoffs and instead focus on enjoying each other’s company. With a dash of patience, a sprinkle of creativity, and a generous helping of understanding, you can turn your meals into moments of joy and discovery that enrich your family’s travel adventure.

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How to Keep Your Thyroid in Optimal Health

Tucked away in the lower front of your neck lies a small but vital gland that plays a monumental role in your overall health—the thyroid. This seemingly unassuming butterfly-shaped gland is responsible for regulating numerous metabolic processes throughout the body. Thyroid hormones influence your energy levels, control your metabolism, and even aid in brain and bone development.

Unfortunately, the thyroid is also susceptible to a range of issues. Conditions like hypothyroidism, where the gland underproduces hormones, or hyperthyroidism, characterized by an overproduction, can take a major toll on your well-being. Symptoms of thyroid imbalances can range from fatigue and weight changes to more severe cardiovascular risks. Understanding these risks underscores the importance of maintaining good thyroid health.

This article aims to guide you through a few practical things you can do to take better care of your thyroid. By adopting these measures, you can effectively manage your thyroid health and potentially prevent the common issues that arise from thyroid hormone imbalances. Let’s explore how a few simple lifestyle changes can support this vital gland’s healthy functioning.

Go for Regular Health Check-Ups

While it can be tempting to put off routine health check-ups, particularly during especially busy times, getting them done diligently can go a long way toward supporting good thyroid health. In places with advanced medical facilities like Singapore, it shouldn’t be too hard to incorporate regular thyroid screenings into your general healthcare routine. These tests help you detect any potential thyroid issues early, before they escalate—which, in turn, can lead to simpler and more effective treatments. And in the event that you develop a more severe condition requiring thyroid surgery in Singapore, the country’s healthcare providers excel at referring patients to competent and experienced surgeons who can get you on the path to recovery sooner rather than later.

Eat a Balanced Diet

It’s impossible to overstate the importance of a balanced, nutritious diet in maintaining thyroid health. You’ll want to incorporate essential nutrients like iodine, selenium, and zinc, which aid in the production of thyroid hormones and support the gland’s healthy functions. Food items like seafood, dairy, and nuts are all rich in these nutrients and easy to include in your daily meals.

Limit Your Intake of Foods Containing Goitrogens

On the flipside, goitrogens can affect thyroid function by interfering with iodine uptake in the gland. These substances can be found in soy products and cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli. While these foods are otherwise healthy, it’s best to consume them in moderation, especially if you have an existing thyroid issue or a family history of thyroid problems. Fortunately, cooking them thoroughly has been found to reduce their goitrogenic effect, which will allow you to enjoy their benefits without putting your thyroid at risk.

Manage Your Stress

Stress is an often-overlooked factor that can significantly impact thyroid health. Chronic stress can disrupt thyroid function and lead to imbalances in hormone levels. If you live in highly urbanised locations like Singapore, where the pace of life is fast and often hectic, then it’s especially important to be hands-on about stress management. Relaxation practices like yoga, meditation, or even simple breathing exercises can be immensely beneficial. Consider also seeking out green spaces close to where you live, like parks and gardens, for a much-needed respite from your daily routine.

Get Enough Sleep

Adequate sleep is vital for maintaining a healthy thyroid, as the thyroid gland works closely with your sleep-wake cycle to regulate hormones. Lack of sleep can disrupt this cycle and lead to thyroid hormone imbalances. Establish a regular sleep routine by aiming to go to bed at a specific time every night and minimising screen time before bed. Taking steps to keep your sleeping environment adequately dark, cool, and quiet can also help improve the quality of rest you get during the night.

Avoid Smoking and Alcohol

Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can have detrimental effects on the thyroid gland. Smoking, in particular, contains substances that can interfere with thyroid hormone production and absorption. Excessive alcohol consumption, on the other hand, can damage the liver and, subsequently, thyroid hormone metabolism. Moderating your drinking and avoiding smoking entirely can keep your thyroid, as well as the rest of your body, in good health for the long term.

Limit Your Exposure to Environmental Toxins

Certain chemicals interfere with the functioning of your body’s endocrine system, of which your thyroid gland is a major part. Long-term exposure to these chemicals may eventually lead to thyroid conditions and other endocrine problems. Some of these chemicals that you may encounter in your everyday life include:

  • Perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs), found in waterproof clothing, leather products, non-stick cookware, and other similar items
  • Pthalates, found in soft plastics and fragranced products
  • Bisphenol-A, found in some canned food linings and hard plastic products, though many manufacturers are electing to remove them

Though it’s impossible to avoid contact with these substances completely, it helps to reduce your exposure to them as much as possible. For instance, you may want to consider choosing more fresh or frozen food over canned food and storing your food in glass or porcelain containers rather than plastic.

At the end of the day, there’s no denying the key role that your thyroid plays in your body’s development and overall well-being. By implementing these practical steps, you can keep this critical gland functioning optimally and set yourself up for a more vibrant and healthier life.

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Review – Ergoworks’ Impact Ergonomic backpacks proven to last long

Buying ergonomic school bags should not be an annual affair as they are supposed to last for many years. But with big C going into secondary school, I think it’s high time that she gets a new ergonomic backpack. The bag that big C had gotten since primary 1 lasted all the way to primary 6, in fact it is still in good usable condition still (see below), but she has definitely grown taller, new requirement to carry their PLD (laptops), perhaps a bigger capacity bag and being tween/teen they are more self-conscious about the colour and design as well. 

With so many new entrants to the ergonomic school bag markets in recent months with many attractive designs and competitive pricing, I still decided to go back to Ergoworks to get big C’s new ergonomic school bags for her secondary school. Reason being, it was tried and tested and I do not wish to be burdened by the need to change the school bag every year as these ergonomic backpacks are not cheap either if we need to procure on an annual basis. 

This post introduces the range of Ergoworks Impact ergonomic bags for older kids – upper primary to secondary school kids. 

There are the models suitable for this age range. 

IPEG 2369 – $109.90 comes in black, navy blue and pink

IPEG 167 – $109.90  comes in navy blue, pink , royal blue and red

IMEG 162 – $109.90 comes in navy blue, pink and grey

IM-00385 – $149.00 comes in bright pink, pink and navy blue (reviewed below) 

IMEG 2370 – $109.90 comes in black, ice pink and aqua (reviewed below)

It is more advisable to head down to their flagship outlet at Marina Square so that the sales rep can advise you the difference between the different models, in terms of support, capacity, compartments etc. Also if you have an old Impact backpack, you can trade in for 20% off the price of the new backpack. 

Below are the 2 two backpacks chosen by big C and small J, both from a functionality standpoint and ultimately the design they preferred. They have not shopped for a new school bag since primary 1, so the experience in deciding is so different to when they were in primary 1, now they are more opinionated, in fact personally,  I think model IM-00385 has more compartments and support, but big C being all 12, she is more self-conscious about the colour and design so she chose IMEG 2370 instead.

IM-00385 in Navy Blue 

Even before the sales rep explained the functionality of the backpack, it was love at first sight! In fact, due to its extra features, this is probably why this model is the most expensive of this range. 

The lightest of this range at 0.89kg, this model also spots MANY MULTIPLE compartments (more than the other models). It has a stress-free backpack strap (not found in other models) so that the weight of the bag will not weight the kid down so much. 

Like all other ergonomic models, all Impact backpacks are designed using patented Orthopaedic Spinal Protection System to Reduce Stress on Spine & Back, Promote Better Posture & Spinal Health. The rest of the features are similar to that of other models – detachable waist belts, parachute pull rings, USA 3M Scotchlite Reflective Safety Materials , 100% Made in Korea High-Quality Ballistic Nylon, Air Breathable Ventilation System, Anti UV, Dust & Water Resistant Materials and laptop sleeve area too! 

IMEG 2370 in Ice Pink

This was big C’s choice, she wanted a less loud colour, more plain design, more fitting for a secondary school student according to her.. Nevertheless, this model is also perfect for secondary school, at 0.95kg it is just a tad bit heavier with lesser compartments.

Like all other ergonomic models, all Impact backpacks are designed using patented Orthopaedic Spinal Protection System to Reduce Stress on Spine & Back, Promote Better Posture & Spinal Health. The rest of the features are similar to that of other models – detachable waist belts, parachute pull rings, USA 3M Scotchlite Reflective Safety Materials , 100% Made in Korea High-Quality Ballistic Nylon, Air Breathable Ventilation System, Anti UV, Dust & Water Resistant Materials and laptop sleeve area too!  If you are more budget conscious, this is $40 cheaper and a very good ergonomic backpack in itself too and maybe from a colour perspective offers a different range of colour with this Ice Pink, Black and Aqua. 

Check out our visit to their flagship store this week here  

While you are shopping at their flagship store, do check out their range of ergonomic products as this store is also a one-stop solution on all things ergonomic – from ergonomic desk, chair, recliners, etc not just for kids and also adults too – all meant to improve your lifestyle and comfort. 




Marina Square

6 Raffles Boulevard #03-337 Marina Square

Opens Daily: 11:30am – 9.00 pm

Telephone: 6837 3370

They also have expanded to Malaysia with 2 outlets in Malaysia, you can check it out here



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Sleeping on Clouds with Origin LumbarCloud™ Mattress

We spent more than 1/3 of our lifetime sleeping, so if there is 1 item that I would splurge on without batting an eyelid , it will be the mattress we sleep on! In fact, my very own mattress cost me a fortune 8 year ago, but that’s story for another day. Now that the kids are getting taller and older, it is time to get good quality and proper mattresses for them. Now that big C is moving into her own room (finally)  instead of bunking in with her brothers, we decided to get her Origin LumbarCloud™ Mattress and this mattress will probably last her until she finish school, go out to work , get married and leave home. This mattress has a life span of 10 to 20 years, with a 15 year warranty. 

Origin is a brand well known for its high quality yet affordable mattresses. This brand has also been featured on my news and media for its quality mattresses. Its latest offering Origin Lumbarcloud™ Mattress, is THE MOST PREMIUM mattress they have launched to date.  Designed in Germany  using the latest sleep science and mattress techology, having won 20+ international awards and over 50,000 happy sleepers in Singapore, I definitely has high expectation of this award winning mattress even before trying it out on my own. 

First Glance 

Undoubtedly , it is Origin’s thickest, plushest and most advanced mattress yet. On first glance, it is definitely thicker than most of my mattresses that I have –  measuring at 35cm height. It is a Hybrid Mattress, combining different materials into one perfect mattress.

Why so thick?  In this 35cm thickness ,starting from the TOP 

  1. Ice Silk Tencel – feel like silk and cooling on touch
  2. Origin ComfortCloud™ -proprietary blend of cooling microfibers to enhance its softness & elasticity
  3. Origin Antigravity Gel -pressurized air to provide more flexibility and elasticity than its foam counterparts
  4. HexaGrid Plus™ -an extra thick, extra plush layer – ultimate comfort and pressure relief
  5. Graphite Diamond Latex™ – 2x more efficient keeping your body at an optimal sleeping temperature
  6. Micro-Weaved Wool -increase air flow & breathability
  7. ErgoCoil Max™ Titanium Microsprings -highly responsive, highly supportive, and perfect for creating an extra layer of buoyant support.
  8. Cooling Comfort Foam -helps transfer heat away from the body
  9. ComfortPlus™ Titanium Springs -to provide optimal support for each body part
  10. D-4 EdgeSupport  – four times denser than your average foam, increasing the comfort area of the mattress


These 10 layers reminded me of the fairy tale The Princess and the Pea but with these 10 layers you definitely wont feel the pea even if you are a princess, but these 10 layers work in perfect harmony to maximise every facet of sleep,
transforming your bed into a plush oasis. Now for my sleep test…..

Using it 

I slept on my girl’s bed to give my honest verdict, the first impression was its plush like those high end hotels’ mattresses. It gives a weightless sleep sensation for deep relaxation. All thanks to the  ComfortCloud™ Filling, it feels super plush and like sleeping on cloud ie weightless feel true to its name sake. Frankly, it’s quite difficult to describe in it in words, you really have to try it for yourself to be convinced.  It has the ability to gently envelops the body from all angles – melting away all muscle tightness and soreness into immense and deep comfort. 

As I don’t like to sleep in air-conditioned room, it was very cooling on first touch, and throughout the night I never once felt hot or discomfort  – contributed by the Ice Silk Tencel layer and Graphite Foam which is 10x more cooling than memory foam. In fact, the Origin LumbarCloud™ is designed to sleep cool in Singapore’s weather. Its revolutionary SmartClimatePro™ system makes it highly breathable, and together with artificially compressed graphite and our FrostFlex™ layer, is able to carry heat away from the body to the surrounding environment.

Next the signature HexaGrid Plus™ give optimal support and pressure relief for all sorts of sleeper. I actually sleep on my tummy, so it is very well supported for whatever sleeper you are.  Whether you are a back sleeper, side sleeper, this mattress is suitable for all kind of sleeper. It is 30% more comfort than foam & latex. 

Those who are looking for soft or firm mattress, this mattress firmness magically adapts to your weight, providing more support for heavier sleepers and gentler support for lighter sleeper , this is the magic of ResponsePlus™ Titanium Springs with up to 3000 springs for optimal spinal alignment. 

Like all good mattresses and as seen in advertisement, it comes with motion cancelling feature where your partner will be undisturbed with whatever motion (especially for queen and king size).

With all the most advance sleep technology (just count the number of innovation listed here) , I had a wonderful sleep and feel so energised and recharge the next day. In fact, this mattress is marketed for sleepers with chronic back and joint conditions. 

Loving it 

If I knew of this brand in the past, I wouldn’t have spent a fortune on the bed I am sleeping in. So the next time I ever need to change my own mattress, I know which brand to go for.  You can see its comparison vs other brands in the market, Using technology and high quality material and yet at affordable pricing for the mass market.  In fact , I have gotten 2 Origin LumbarCloud™ Mattress single mattresses  as I am convert! 

Comes in 4 sizes – single, super single, queen and king.  The Origin Hybrid complies with CertiPUR-US® and CeriOEKO-TEX®. These certifications assure that their products are tested in independent labs, are free of harmful substances and are safe for all (including babies & toddlers).

The best part it comes with 120 Night Trial or your money back (but do give it 25 days for your body to adjust to the new mattress). Comes with Free Same-Day Delivery and industry leading 15 Year Warranty. If this still does not convince you and would want to touch and feel it, check out their showroom

Ravago, 36 Kaki Bukit Place, #01-01, Singapore 416214

Origin also sell pillow, duvet, blanket for the entire sleep experience.

Shop here

Quote JAIMECHAN25 and you will receive an exclusive offer of $25 when you order Origin’s products online.






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Heart Studio Term 4 – Rhythm in Art

Small C has been with Heart Studio for more than 1 year and we have never repeated a theme or technique.  Every term is something new and creative. For this term, it is exploring Rhythm in Art. Using a plant as the main object and creating repeated patter, this term’s theme also uses different medium  – thread to create texture, aluminum foil as the base and over card board. The final piece looks like something that I would exhibit at home like an abstract art piece.

For the first week, small C drew all the different patterns and rhythm in his sketch book. 


The following week, he chose the Venus Flytrap as the main object for his art work. He drew on cardboard and then traced the outlines using thread. 


Thereafter, week 3 and 4 is to paint on the aluminium foil and created different colours for the textures created by the threads underneath. And finally creating pattern and rhythm surrounding the art work. Dont you think the final art work looks like those abstract art work that you hang in your living room ! 

Do check out  Heart Studio fun art enrichment classes  for children as young as 3 and even to older kids who are building their art portfolio for DSA and their Year End holiday classes too! 



Heart Studio

1 Charlton Lane #01-04, Singapore 539631

(65) 6554 7563


Wed-Fri: 10:00am to 8:30pm, Sat: 9:30am to 6:00pm, Sunday: 9:30am to 4:30pm

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Aura Portable Blender Review – Healthy Lifestyle on the Go

I recently added the Aura Portable Blender to my kitchen arsenal, and I must say, it’s been a game-changer for my busy lifestyle. I would never have thought I needed a blender in my lifestyle, but this is not your ordinary kitchen blender. This sleek and compact device has revolutionized the way I enjoy my favorite smoothies and shakes, and it’s now an essential part of my daily routine. Undoubtedly, this is Singapore’s most powerful and portable blender , wireless , rechargeable using USB and blending in under 10 sec! 

At First Glance

The Aura Blender is a lightweight , weighing between 395g (with bottle cap) and 730g (with motor base) and a compact size of 19.4cm height x 6.8cm diameter. Probably the length of your regular drinking water bottle.  I have also added on Aura insulated sleeve so that my Aura Blender is protected and keep my cold drinks cold and warm drinks toasty warm.  The weight is merely coming from The AuraXtreme™ borosilicate glass jar. 

Using It

1. Portability: This blender is truly portable. It’s small enough to fit into most cup holders, making it convenient to take with you wherever you go. Whether you’re in the car, on a hike, or at the office, you can blend your favorite drinks without any hassle.

2. Powerful Motor: Despite its small size, the Aura Portable Blender boasts a surprisingly powerful motor that can handle tough ingredients like frozen fruits and ice cubes. The Aura Portable Blender’s AuraVortex™ blends at an incredible speed of 25,000 RPM. Equipped with the Aura Portable Blender’s Aura Nutri Extractor™ blades can crush most fruits and even ice! 

3. Rechargeable Battery: One of the standout features of this blender is its rechargeable battery. It comes with a long-lasting lithium-ion battery that provides multiple blending sessions on a single charge. No need to worry about finding an electrical outlet when you’re on the move . There is a build in indicator to check on the battery level too. 

4. Easy to Clean: Cleaning the Aura Portable Blender is a breeze. Its detachable components are dishwasher-safe, and you can also clean them by simply adding some water and a drop of dish soap, then running the blender for a few seconds.

5. Safety Features: The Aura Blender has a built-in safety feature which ensure the blades do not function unless the jar is firmly secured to the motor base.

6. Convertible into a water bottle. It comes with an additional cap to convert this blender into a water bottle, There is a top handle for easy carrying too! 

Loving It 

With my Aura Blender, now I can have breakfast on the go, especially if I am pressed for time for work. What’s even more convenient is its ability to transform items I find in my fridge into delicious drinks or snacks. Got some leftover fruits, yogurt, or greens? Simply toss them into the Aura Blender, and you’ve got a wholesome smoothie or a nutritious snack in no time. It’s a fantastic way to minimize food waste and maximize the use of fresh ingredients. In fact, as big C is heading for the PSLE, I am piling on her Vitamin C intake daily with fruit shakes! 

Video review :https://www.tiktok.com/@mypreciouzkids/video/7277491541789166866

The Aura Portable Blender has not only improved my own eating habits but has also positively impacted my children’s snacking regime. I can easily whip up nutritious and delicious fruit smoothies for them as an after-school snack or a quick treat. They love the vibrant colors and flavors, and I’m delighted to provide them with a healthy alternative to store-bought snacks.

In conclusion, the Aura Portable Blender has not only elevated the quality of my meals and snacks but has also seamlessly integrated into my daily life, offering convenience, nutrition, and versatility wherever I go. You may have the regular traditional blender, but it takes more effort to prepare smoothies and shake. With the Aura Aura Portable Blender, making smoothies and shakes is so effortless! It’s a game-changer for anyone with an active and fast-paced lifestyle, and it’s a fantastic addition to your family’s snacking routine!

Shop here 

The Aura Portable Blender has a 1-year local warranty, free delivery, and a 30-day money-back guarantee.


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Heart Studio Term 3 Still Life Water Colour Painting

It has been a while since small C did water colour painting at Heart Studio and finally he did still life using watercolour painting for the final artwork for Term 3. For the first week, the kids have to choose objects to be featured in their art work and drawing it directly on the art paper. Thereon, they learn how to blend the water colour  – personally I like the water colour medium as its so fluid and natural! 

Thereafter, week 2 and 3 were for blending and creating gradation all the objects in water colour and week 4 was dedicated for the finer details and outlining of the artworks! This was another of small C’s favourites as he get to draw and paint the objects and characters he likes including a Milo truck! 

Do check out  Heart Studio fun art enrichment classes  for children as young as 3 and even to older kids who are building their art portfolio for DSA and their September holiday classes too! 



Heart Studio

1 Charlton Lane #01-04, Singapore 539631

(65) 6554 7563


Wed-Fri: 10:00am to 8:30pm, Sat: 9:30am to 6:00pm, Sunday: 9:30am to 4:30pm


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Heart Studio Term 3- Game Character Illustration

Another fun theme at  Heart Studio , drawing of Game Character! I am sure all kids were able to relate to this theme very well, and they can decide which character they want to draw, gender , hair style, expression, and the character’s object as well!  As always. the teachers at Heart Studio will prepare lots of sample for the kids to seek inspiration from. 

For this project, week 1 they have already started sketching directly on the final artwork . A lot of time in spent on the technical drawing on the face, the proportion etc. 

Thereafter, week 2 is to complete all the sketches –  the game character faces and the character’s object , thereafter week 3 and 4 is dedicated for the actual painting and finer details of the artworks! 

Do check out  Heart Studio fun art enrichment classes  for children as young as 3 and even to older kids who are building their art portfolio for DSA.



Heart Studio

1 Charlton Lane #01-04, Singapore 539631

(65) 6554 7563


Wed-Fri: 10:00am to 8:30pm, Sat: 9:30am to 6:00pm, Sunday: 9:30am to 4:30pm

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