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It was a very uneventful day even though it was my birthday as I didn’t take leave, the typical Friday routine of going to work and sending kids for class, then working from a cafe while awaiting the kids to finish class. Thankfully for Kurios – Cabinet of Curiosities, it turned my uneventful birthday to one of my most memorable birthday ever and with my whole fam bam (thank you to the wonderful people who brought Kurios to Singapore)

Having watched two other Cirque du Soleil and coming from such a well-known circus establishment, I have very high hopes, a tad unfair as compared to other circus performances which do not have such lustrous background and history. I am glad to say Kurios has exceeded my expectation of the limit of circus performances.
Especially for a first timer like daddy A, he has not watched any Cirque du Soleil before or any circus for that matter (he was overseas when we caught the last year’s circus which came to Singapore) so he is a total circus newbie! Perhaps, I should let him have a go from the view of a circus newbie for the benefit of people who will be catching the circus or Cirque du Soleil for the very first time, before I gave my own verdict being one who has watched countless circuses (plus past 2 Cirque du Soleil) in the past years.
Daddy A’s review – a first time circus experience!
Daddy A has followed me/ the family to several live stage performances more as a companion than truly enjoying such show (he slept through some parts of Evita the Musical – true story). First time, he truly enjoyed watching a live performance. It was exhilarating watching live circus performances, he felt an adrenaline rush, heart beat pumping , certain part of the acts, he was literally sitting on the edge of his seat, in anticipation of what the performers will attempt next.
His childhood stereotype of lion jumping over firehoops, daredevils stunts , monkey juggling were all changed after watching Kurios as this is the future of circus, Kurios and Cirque du Soleil has reinvented the circus for a first time newbie. The roller coaster emotion is unlike anything he has felt before watching a live performance. He applauded an amazing and well-rounded performance from start to finish. Every person from the youn to old should catch this – an entertainment and night to remember for the family! Personally, I think and this will be a double-edge sword as I can’t think of any other circus acts will be paled in comparison to his virgin circus experience.
My review – having watching 2 past Cirque du Soleil and many others
Having watched two other Cirque du Soleil, Totem and Kooza and coming from such a well-known establishment which reinvented circus performances from the traditional circus that we know of, I have very high hopes, a tad unfair as compared to other circus performances which do not have such lustrous background and history as Cirque.
I had my excitement built up since the big top raising on 15 June, which i had to miss it as I was not in town. I love it whenever the circus is in town, the sheer sight the big top in town really makes me all excited even before watching the actual performance stemming from my childhood memories whenever my parents brought me to watch the circuses that came to town.

The overall set and costumes were in a league of its own clearly depicting
19th century, with train and airplane that is a replica of what we would see in the same era. For the entire duration, the audience were transported to an old yet magical and mysterious era. There are such details to the props, costumes and even the music soundtracks to set the overall theme and story even before the actual circus acts unveil. ( I am listening to the soundtrack as I am doing this post).

photo credit: Kurios
Those who were yearning for the typical circus acts like juggling, balancing, clowns, contortionists, aerial acts, Kurios does not disappoint. What exceeded my expectations and wow-ed me (even being regular circus patron) is when the performers rethink and push their limit beyond the conventional juggling and balancing. Four particular acts (shown below) which are typically not the most impressive in a circus partly as they are not as fast-paced was totally improvised to give regular circus patrons like me an entirely new experience. Everything was put beyond their limits and literally brought up to the sky. There is an aerial component in every of their juggling and balancing acts.

A special mention to a very Rima Hadchiti, the artist who plays Mini Lili is 3.3 feet tall and weighs 41 pounds. She is one of the 10 smallest people in the world. How she was kept in the costume of one of the performers and suddenly pop up, I guess that is the magic of circus! You have to watch it yourself to believe it!

Some of the kids favourites were the contortionists mimicing the fluidity of sea creatures, Acro net and Banquine.

If I am forced to choose a personal favourite act of all the acts, (though it will be a difficult choice), it would the the aerial acrobats, they are as if dancing in air, very beautiful and surreal. The simplicity of it all – two performers and their aerial straps, I was truly mesmerised.

There were of course some segments were by the clowns come to entertain – an invisible circus which was entertaining , but there was one segment whereby a member of the audience invited to stage, I couldn’t quite grasp the concept and message, but that does not take away the entire well-rounded performance from start to finish.
Kurios – Cabinet of Curiosities is true to its name, a cabinet full of surprises, fueling imagination of the young ones, and for the older and more mature audience, making them rethink of the impossible and reinventing the convention! I would say this is one for the entire family, my 4 year old -sat through the entire 2 hours and 15 minutes performance (there is a 25 minutes intermission) and even gave a standing ovation at the very end! I was very lucky to have watched the opening show which fell on my birthday making my birthday extra memorable, so if there is any special occasion in the family, do make Kurios as part of your celebration! It was one of my most memorable birthday celebrations!
Initial post
If you have been following my blog for the past few years, you would have known my affinity for the circus shows stemming from my childhood experiences of my parents bringing me and my brother whenever circus came to town. Sometimes, my parents will bring us all the way to Genting Highlands to watch magic shows too!
Here are my cuties pies in the last 2 Cirque du Soleil that came to town – Kooza and Totem the past years.

Cirque du Soleil is back in Singapore with a brand new show for the first time in Singapore called KURIOS – Cabinet of Curiosities .
KURIOS will premiere under a brand-new white-and-grey Big Top from 5 July 2019 on Bayfront Avenue, next to Marina Bay Sands . Written and directed by Michel Laprise, KURIOS – Cabinet of Curiosities,
Kurios celebrates the greatest inventions of the 19th century, as audience members are transported into the Curio Cabinet of an ambitious inventor who defies the laws of time, space and dimensions in order to reinvent everything around him. Suddenly, the visible become invisible, perspectives are transformed, and the world is turned upside down.
Since its debut, critics across North America and Japan have been raving about KURIOS – Cabinet of Curiosities. In an alternate yet familiar past, in a place where wonders abound for those who trust their imagination, a scientist (“The Seeker”) is convinced that there exists a hidden world – a place where the craziest ideas and the grandest dreams await. Out of his curio cabinet steps an international cast of 47 artists from 17 countries, a collection of otherworldly characters made up of world-class gymnasts, acrobats, contortionists, hand-puppeteers, yo-yo wizards, clowns, actors and musicians. Together they turn the Seeker’s steampunk world upside-down as they are guided by an energetic gypsy jazz, electro swing soundtrack.
Some Curious Facts about KURIOS….
- To make the Accordion Man’s attire, the costume-maker spent an entire week sewing inside the costume
- Rima Hadchiti, the artist who plays Mini Lili is 3.3 feet tall and weighs 41 pounds. She is one of the 10 smallest people in the world
- The mechanical hand weighs 750 pounds and measures 15 feet by 6.8 feet
- More than a hundred costumes were created to dress the cast of KURIOS
- There are 426 props in the show, the most of any production in Cirque du Soleil’s history
- The 122 tour members come from 18 23 different countries. Some have been touring with Cirque du Soleil for more than 15 years
- This is the first time that Cirque du Soleil presents a welcoming act on top of the big top before the show starts. When weather permits, 3 artists climb up the big top and greet the guests from above while playing music and acting. Guests get a taste of the KURIOS experience as soon as they enter the site
- It took the team of props makers approximately 250 hours to build Mr. Microcosmos’ round belly
- All performers are responsible for applying their own make-up every show, which can take them between 40 minutes and two hours

KURIOS – Cabinet of Curiosities by Cirque du Soleil
Season: From 5 July – 4 August 2019
Venue: Under the grey and white Big Top on Bayfront Avenue beside Marina Bay Sands (the big top will be going up 15 June)
Tuesday – Friday: 8:00pm
Saturday: 4:30pm and 8:00pm
Sunday: 1:30pm and 5.00pm
TICKET PRICE: From $95 through SISTIC
* Excludes the booking fee of SGD$4 per ticket
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