Heart Studio Term 1 2021 – It was wild fun at the circus

After complete the stacked burger art work , Little Dali had a two week technical drawing to learn to draw all Chinese Lunar New Year inspired drawing – lion dance, firecracker, couplets etc. 
Quickly they move on to their next 4-week project – another theme that small C loves  – Circus ! Pre-covid, we had attended to two circuses which came to town – Cirque du Soleil and The Great Moscow Circus with fond memories and to recreate it through drawings , it was really a nice recollection of memories
As with every new art project, Teacher Jay will introduce all the possible components of the circus – elephants, animal, big top, human cannon ball , clown, jugglers etc. For the first week, the kids were exposed to drawing and sketching the components that the kids wanted to include into their artwork. 
Week 2 is to have it all on the actual art paper, followed by painting
and detailed painting on the fourth week. Some may think it is slow to only churn out 1 art work over 4 weeks, but it is the process of appreciating each step of drawing and painting that is more important than churning out completed art work week after week.

I think I said previously the stacked burger was my favourite to date, sorry, I just had a new favourite! 

Do check out  Heart Studio March holiday programme, many are full already due to small class sizes, but I am sure there are still slots here and there to slot it for your child. 




Heart Studio

1 Charlton Lane #01-04, Singapore 539631

(65) 6554 7563


Wed-Fri: 10:00am to 8:30pm, Sat: 9:30am to 6:00pm, Sunday: 9:30am to 4:30pm

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