I have a love and hate relationship with electronic toys..i guess more hate than love. When I had my first kid, I brought lots of toys, electronic ones mostly. It doesn’t help that that a particular well-known imported toy brand had many warehouse sales making the toys a bargain so my house was filled to the brim with electronic toys. I love them as there is so much light and sound effects coming from it and it sounded like the real thing, however, over the years I find it difficult keep track or remove the batteries when not in play for a long time. I also noticed that kids often are very attracted to electronic toys but the span of attention is often shorter and they lose interest in such toys very fast. So with many instances of batteries leakages etc, I have stopped buying electronic toys or any toys that requires batteries in the past years as I do not have the time or energy to keep track of the batteries and also my kids lose interest in it very fast too.
Lately, I am in more into free forms toys – toys like Lego and also wooden toys. I came acquainted to a French brand called Janod.
Janod is a brand which specializing in wooden toys for the past 40 years. They are recognised for their striking range of children’s wooden educational toys, each beautifully designed with bright bold colours with children’s learning in mind. In Singapore, Janod is exclusively distributed by My Miracle Baby
There are many wooden pretend play toys by Janod carried exclusively by My Miracle Baby, I had to think really hard as big C is a little past the age of playing for kitchen sets and I have 2 younger boys. Do I get a “boy” toy for the sake of the 2 younger ones like the tools set or a kitchen set? Finally I decided I should not segregate what is consider boy’s or girl’s toys but one that they would be most keen in and I always seen them gearing to a particular pretend play set at play gym etc – a kitchen set. No one say boys can’t play kitchen set, or that it is a girl toys – in fact my 8 year old boy plays with it too!
The kids were so excited when they saw their latest toy. All toys will give the same effect however, a good toy is one where they are use their imagination during play and many hours of play thereafter, that is when parents feel that its money’s worth and on my part, I do not have to worry about removing the batteries in case of leakages!
There were a few kitchen/cooking set by Janod carried by My Miracle Baby but the French Cocotte Maxi Cooker caught my attention as it doesn’t look too girly..the other set was all pink and sweet.
Let me spam you some pictures how cute is this set. The detailing is superb right down to the “feet” which are like chicken feet.
Enough on how beautiful is this set as kids probably can’t appreciate it as much as the mummy. To them, it will be how much fun hours can they get out of it – especially there is no light and sound effect.
It is interesting that my 2 year old seems to be enjoyed the kitchen set the most of my 4 kids. He will spend a good time playing with it…pretending to wash his hand at the sink, cooking, cleaning etc. He will also make the water flowing sound when he “washes” his hands at the sink -pretend play at its best.
I also added the existing fruits and food set so make it more fun to play as there are more things to be “cooked”.
Besides pretend play toys, Janod has puzzles, musical instruments, blocks, magnetic books, pull along toys etc, not a single toy by Janod require batteries. So if you are ever looking to invest in some toys or buying as a gift, do look into buying such range of toys and from reputational brands like Janod. I am sure some of the toys can be even pass on to your kids’ kids in future. You can view the full range of Janod toys here.
Besides Janod, My Miracle Baby also carries mummies and kids related products such strollers , swaddles, car seats from reputable brands all over the world – a one stop webstore for mummies and mummies-to-be too!
My Miracle Baby
Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. No monetary compensation was received. All opinions are my own.
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