I always think that blooms and flowers are reserved for birthdays or anniversaries but I realised that flowers can be a gift for any celebrated occasions. I know that flowers wither and die and they do not last forever ie the man will say waste of money, but I came to realise that a bloom is a sweet gift to celebrate little milestones / occasions/ birthdays/ anniversaries and the list goes on! That is exactly what A Better Florist delivered to me.
So this wonderful gift was what I got last Friday, which happen to be my last day of work with a company that I had worked for 9.5 years, a company that I had joined shortly after my marriage and I had 4 kids during my tenure with the company. I am truly grateful for the immense work life balance that probably is the reason why I manage to add my brood to above national average too. It was a bitter sweet occasion and a totally emotional-charged day for me and coming back home to see the bloom and the sweet bites made it all better! Believe it or not, the flowers did make my bitter sweet mood all better through the weekend as I prepared for new challenges ahead leaving my comfort zone and probably having lesser time with the kids and blogging. So if you hear less of mypreciouzkids on social media, its probably I was swamped with my new work.
Enough of me and back to the bloom, I chose The Wonderland which was not only had a beautiful bouquet of tulips, macarons and chocolates (which was the extra surprise)! But of course I didn’t quite have a share of the macarons as they are my kids’ favourite dessert -it came from macarons.sg which is really nice and not overly sweet!
I must also give a shout out to their wonderful CSR by sharing a picture of your bouquet on Instagram by using hashtags #FlowersDoGood #ABetterFlorist tag @ABetterFlorist and also someone who makes you smile, A Better Florist will deliver a flower to a special needs child at Rainbow Centre. Besides that, one winner will be chosen every month and the winner will receive three free bouquets to the people of their choice!
So as I realise, you don’t really need to wait for a birthday or an anniversary to put a smile on your loved ones’ face or just simply to brighten a long and difficult day like my day last Friday and A Better Florist delivers really fast and fresh too!
A Better Florist
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